Farewell 2022!

So many great memories were made this year, but losing our dear Beari in November was heartbreaking. I’ll miss her always! ❤️🐻❤️

I hope to do and be better in 2023! It’s the year of the rabbit. Yes!!! I’d like to travel more, excel academically, and continue growing in all areas of my life. I hope to take more risks because why not?! 😎

Wishing all of you a wonderful 2023! 🥂🎆



Carlos Correa is no longer a Giant. Slim chance he could be, but who knows at this point. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Happy Holidays to you and yours! It’s been a trying year so I wasn’t in a festive mood. I guess you can say I was the Grinch. Maybe next year? I miss Beari too much. We didn’t even decorate. 😭

Resting as much as I can before school and work start up again. I’m also cleaning and hoping to donate + sell things I don’t need anymore.

I’m crushing hard. But I guess I can save that story for another day. Lol. I’m shy. Really!!!!

I’ve been eating a lot of junk food. Why not?! And I’m playing for 3rd place in FF. LFG!!!! 🏈

Hope all is well! 💜



photo cred and edit: NBCSBA

We finally landed a big name. I’m so excited! 13 years with the Giants, $350M. 🤩

The rivalry next season is going to be epic. #beatla I was disappointed after Judge said no, but Farhan worked his magic. LFG!!! Can’t wait for baseball to return. Now I’m kicking myself for not buying the $5 ticket deal. 😂 Oh well.

I’m tired. Glad I get another day to myself. Yay!

Good night and Go Giants! 🖤🧡



We have 1.5 days left with Beari. Her send off will be Saturday afternoon. I requested the day off from work to grieve with family and process.

Tried to make the most of Thanksgiving, but it was just so somber. She’s still alert and has an appetite, but she physically can’t keep up anymore. 2022 has been so hard! I really thought things would improve for her after her diagnosis. It was pretty much an uphill battle.

Thankful for the almost 6 years we had with her. It’s going to be tough. I can’t. 💔

I’ll distract myself later, but this chapter of our lives is almost over. I’m so sad. I’ve accepted it, but she’s leaving us too soon.

Good night.


The final days.

I didn’t think we’d be saying goodbye so soon. Beari’s cancer has spread and we’re out of options. I wish we had more time, but we had five great years together.

We’re planning for her best week ever! The beach, her fave foods, and whatever else we can think of to send her off.

Losing a pet is never easy. But seeing her in pain is really tough. 😭

I wish her peace and comfort. We love you, Beari. ❤️🐻❤️

I am broken.



I’ve always been one to hide my depression. I’ll usually play it off as anxiety. These last two weeks, I’ve dealt with high functioning depression. I’m pretty much on autopilot and faking a smile.

We have a very sick dog at home and I’m feeling helpless. She needs surgery, but we can’t finance it! So what do we do next? 😭💔 It hurts my head and heart thinking about potential scenarios. She’s still very much aware. She’s just in pain. I want to scream!!!!! AHHHHHHH. 😫

I feel hopeless too. I try to stay optimistic but as of late I don’t feel or think it.

Doing my best to hold on. I’m absolutely terrified.

Please keep me and my family in your thoughts. We definitely need lots of prayers. Thank you!

Good night.


We need your help!

Beari needs another surgery due to a broken hip. We found out a week ago and we’re just devastated! It might be cancer related. Posting her GoFundMe page again.

If you are able, please donate to our cause! I’ve been a hot mess. I’m sad, depressed, and feeling hopeless.

We just want her to be okay. She’s been through so much. 😭🐻❤️ We love you, Beari.

Thank you.



Don’t ever comment on someone’s physical appearance! This happened to me at work yesterday. You’re a shit person if you do that. This person isn’t aware of my own personal health struggles. And I don’t care to inform her because it’s none of her damn business. I’ve always dealt with self-esteem issues even before I got sick. It doesn’t cost a thing to be kind!

I am strong. I am worthy! I’m proud of myself. 💜
