Women’s March 2017.

This post is dedicated to all of the strong womyn that I know. To those who work tirelessly to have our voices heard. Thank you. I see you and I appreciate you.

I was unable to march this past Saturday due to work, but know my heart and soul were with all of y’all. Friends from the SF Bay Area were marching locally and a friend of mine was in Washington, D.C. with her contingent. Shout out to Claudia! ❤

It doesn’t end with the march. We must continue to make progress – no matter how big or small. I’ll do my best to fight.

Yes, we can. 


Some thoughts.

I’m so glad the weekend came and went. I’m pretty exhausted. I had a good amount of catch up time with friends. It was great!

  • Friday, 1/13/17: Had dinner with C & C, watched tv, made cookies, and exchanged stories.
  • Saturday, 1/14/17: Watched Hidden Figures with the BFFs. SO GOOD. I LOVED IT! Glen Powell. YESSS.

No work tomorrow. YAY! I can sleep in and hopefully put my IKEA storage closet together. Woo.

I’m brainstorming blog entries. I want to mix it up. I’m thinking of typing up an empties post. It’s a big deal in the lifestyle and beauty world. Must take more photos. MUST.

Well, that’s all I have.


Happy New Year!

The first day of the year came and went. What did I do? I slept for most of the day. It was refreshing. In the middle of slumber, I got to eat pizza and watch some football. After that, it was back to bed for me. Hehe.

Reflecting on 2016, I remembered a conversation I had with my brother in the car a few months back. He told me about sonder. At the time, I didn’t know what it meant. He randomly brought it up since we were talking about our own career goals and aspirations. I’m still figuring it out. Progress is an important word in my lexicon. Anyway, I’m talking about sonder because I often think about it. When I’m on the train or in the car, I look out the window and people watch. I think about where people come from, what are their hopes, dreams, and ambitions. Do they watch sports? Are they transplants? Lol. Living in the SF Bay Area, transplant is always a word being thrown around out here. #sfnative #imaunicorn I’m proud of where I come from. SF is home. My next entry will probably be about that.

Well, I’m on the verge of a milestone in my life. I’m a little anxious, but excited. I really hope 2017 is a year of growth – no matter how big or small.

Just wanted to get some thoughts out before I slept. Sweet dreams.
